Moebius together with Studierådet NVM make up the mathematics section within UTN. Möbius is the section association that focuses on students of mathematics. However, everyone is welcome to join! We have a room in house 18 (the middle house of the red houses outside Ångström).
Here you can find likeminded or differentminded folk, who enjoys playing games, watching TV-shows in the couch, eating microwave food and helping you with studying… so that they can procrastinate their own studying.
Channels of information
If you want information about what is happening in and around Moebius then it is best to sign up in the Möbius email-list. There is also a Facebook page and an Instagram page. For tickets to events we use Orbi.
Moebius also have a sporting branch that sometimes plays innebandy. To find out more about this Möbius sport has a Facebook page: Facebook
The best way to get in touch with the association is to send an email to the president, however contacting anyone is also possible. The board sits one year at a time and are elected on the annual meeting in April or May.
President of Moebius | Emily Tse | nvm-ordf@utn.se |
Vice President of Möbius | Aamos Ranta | nvm-vice@utn.se |
Moebius Master of Coin | Simon Lindblom | nvm-kassor@utn.se |
Möbius Master of Scrolls | Ellen Pellander | nvm-sekreterare@utn.se |
Moebius Master of Clubs | Didrik Nolte | nvm-klubb@utn.se |
Möbius Master of Commerce | Carl Kjellander | nvm-inkop@utn.se |
Moebius Master of Property | Jakob Hart | nvm-lokal@utn.se |
Möbius Tech | nvm-tech@utn.se |